
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)

"Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (/ˈlɛsɪŋ/, German: [ˈɡɔthɔlt ˈʔeːfʁa.ɪm ˈlɛsɪŋ] (listen); 22 January 1729 – 15 February 1781) was a German writer, philosopher, dramatist, publicist and art critic, and an outstanding representative of the Enlightenment era. His plays and theoretical writings substantially influenced the development of German literature. He is widely considered by theatre historians to be the first dramaturg in his role at Abel Seyler's Hamburg National Theatre." - ( 15.02.2022)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Published Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)

Was depicted (Actor) Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)
Published Kothe & Winter ()
Template creation Thomas Zipperle ()
Template creation Rudolf Bosselt (1871-1938) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Karl Dieskau (1701-1777) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Voltaire (1694-1778) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Jean Paul (1763-1825) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Theodor Körner (1791-1813) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) ()
Was depicted (Actor) El. Schlegel ()
Was depicted (Actor) Romanus, Alexander ()
Was depicted (Actor) Gryphius, Andreas ()
Printing plate produced Ludwig Sommerau (1756-1786) ()
Printing plate produced / Intellectual creation Emil Schulz (1822-1912) ()
Printing plate produced / Published Johann Friedrich Bause (1738-1814) ()
Printing plate produced / Intellectual creation Johann Wilhelm Meil (1733-1805) ()
Printing plate produced Maler Müller (1749-1825) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Laocoön ()
[Relation to person or institution] Saturn ()
[Relation to person or institution] Otto Lessing (1846-1912) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Landesgewerbemuseum Stuttgart ()
Printed / Published Bock, Michael Christian ()
Intellectual creation / Template creation Anton Graff (1736-1813) ()

Written Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)
[Relation to person or institution] Frederick William II of Prussia (1744-1797) ()

[Relation to person or institution] Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)
Template creation Axel Bertram (1936-2019) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Ludwig Wüllner (1858-1939) ()
Printing plate produced Reichsdruckerei Berlin ()
Printing plate produced / Issued Otto Hettner (1875-1931) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Christian Gottlob Heyne (1729-1812) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Angelica Kauffmann (1741-1807) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Adam Friedrich Oeser (1717-1799) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Giovanni Battista Casanova (1730-1795) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Philipp von Stosch (1691-1757) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Alessandro Albani (1692-1779) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Leopold II, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (1700-1751) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717-1768) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Meiningen State Theatre ()
[Relation to person or institution] Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen (1826-1914) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Cultural Association of the GDR ()
[Relation to person or institution] Seume-Oberschule Weißenfels ()

Mentioned Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)

Intellectual creation Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)
Intellectual creation Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) ()

Owned Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Justinian I (482-565) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Caracalla (188-217) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Elagabalus (203-222) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Macrinus (164-218) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Diadumenian (208-218) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Alexander Severus (208-235) ()
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Maximian (240-310) ()
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Diocletian (236-312) ()