
Anna Rosina de Gasc (1713-1783)

"Anna Rosina de Gasc (born: Anna Rosina Lisiewska) (10 July 1713 – 26 March 1783) was a German portrait painter." - ( 04.07.2021)

Also known as: Barbara Rosina Lisiewska (Birth name), Barbara Rosina Matthieu (Married name)

What we know


was born Berlin June 10, 1713
Wife of David Matthieu 1741
Wife of Ludwig de Gasc 1760
Member Kunstakademie Dresden 1769
died Dresden March 26, 1783
daughter of Georg Lisiewski
daughter of Maria Elisabetha Lisiewska
mother of Rosina Christiana Ludovika Matthieu
mother of Leopold Matthieu
sister of Anna Dorothea Therbusch
sister of Christoph Friedrich Reinhold Lisiewski
sister of Dorothea Matthieu
sister of Julie Lisiewska
was influenced Antoine Pesne


lived Berlin Since 1713
lived Zerbst Since 1756
lived Brunswick Since 1764
Traveller Netherlands 1766
official Court painter Brunswick 1777
has met Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
used art style Portrait
used method / technique Art of painting
used method / technique Pastell

Sources & Mentions

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Porträt Gotthold Ephraim LessingPorträt Christoph Ludwig von StilleDer Page AbelCasimire Prinzessin von Anhalt-DessauLeopoldine Marie von Brandenburg-SchwedtAnna Sophie Agnes von Lehwald, geb. von Buddenbrock (Anna Sophie Agnes von Lehwa
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Painted Anna Rosina de Gasc (1713-1783)

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Research status / note

kl-bb:Well researched

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