

"Phrenology (from Ancient Greek φρήν (phrēn), meaning ´mind´, and λόγος (logos), meaning ´knowledge´) is a pseudoscience which involves the measurement of bumps on the skull to predict mental traits. It is based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules. Although both of those ideas have a basis in reality, phrenology extrapolated beyond empirical knowledge in a way that departed from science. The central phrenological notion that measuring the contour of the skull can predict personality traits is discredited by empirical research. Developed by German physician Franz Joseph Gall in 1796, the discipline was influential in the 19th century, especially from about 1810 until 1840. The principal British centre for phrenology was Edinburgh, where the Edinburgh Phrenological Society was established in 1820." - ( 20.09.2020)

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Menschlicher Schädel aus GipsLorenzo Nils Fowler: Der Gallsche Schädel2. Abschrift Brief von R. Sommer an Dr. Stoll, 23.10.1927
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