
Gerhard von Kügelgen (1772-1820)

"Franz Gerhard von Kügelgen (6 February 1772 – 27 March 1820) was a German painter, noted for his portraits and history paintings. He was a professor at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts and a member of both the Prussian and Russian Imperial Academies of Arts. His twin brother, Karl von Kügelgen, was also a painter of note." - ( 24.10.2020)

What we know


was born Bacharach February 6, 1772
Husband of Helene Zoege von Manteuffel 1800-1820
was killed Raubmord 1820
brother of Twins Karl von Kügelgen
father of Wilhelm von Kügelgen


Student Bonn 1786-1789
Student Januarius Zick Koblenz 1789-1790
Student Johann Christoph Fesel Since 1790
professional / worker Portrait painting Mainz 1790-1791
Student Karl Ludwig Fernow Rome 1791-1795
Traveller Rome 1791-1795
Traveller Rome, Riga 1795
Traveller Riga, Tallinn 1798, 1798
lived Saint Petersburg 1798-1803
Traveller Saint Petersburg, Rhens 1804, 1804
Traveller Paris 1804-1805
lived Weimar 1808-1809
portrayed Friedrich Schiller Weimar 1809
teacher Caroline Bardua Dresden 1808-1810
portrayed Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1810
lived Dresden 1805-1820
Traveller Berlin 1817
portrayed Johann Gottfried Herder
portrayed Christoph Martin Wieland


Sources & Mentions

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Franz Wilhelm Werner Freiherr von Veltheim-OstrauPorträt von Alexius Friedrich Christian von Anhalt- Bernburg (1767-1834), BrustbDer blinde Belisar sucht mit seinem Begleiter vor einem Unwetter Schutz in einerPorträt von Friedrich SchillerPorträt von Friedrich SchillerPorträt von Friedrich Schiller
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Template creation Gerhard von Kügelgen (1772-1820)

Painted Gerhard von Kügelgen (1772-1820)

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