
Portrait painting

"See portrait for more about the general topic of portraits.

Portrait painting is a genre in painting, where the intent is to represent a specific human subject. The term ´portrait painting´ can also describe the actual painted portrait. Portraitists may create their work by commission, for public and private persons, or they may be inspired by admiration or affection for the subject. Portraits often serve as important state and family records, as well as remembrances.

Historically, portrait paintings have primarily memorialized the rich and powerful. Over time, however, it became more common for middle-class patrons to commission portraits of their families and colleagues. Today, portrait paintings are still commissioned by governments, corporations, groups, clubs, and individuals. In addition to painting, portraits can also be made in other media such as prints (including etching and lithography), photography, video and digital media." - ( 12.01.2021)

What we know


Style Painter Isaak Juncker


profession Gerhard von Kügelgen Mainz 1790-1791

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Brief J. F. A. Tischbeins an J.W.L. Gleim vom 22. Januar 1796Brief J. F. A. Tischbeins an J.W.L. Gleim vom 10. Februar 1796Brief J. F. A. Tischbeins an J.W.L. Gleim vom 17. Oktober 1797Brief J.W.L. Gleims an J. F. A. Tischbein vom 4. Dezember 1797Brief A. L. Karschs an J. W. L. Gleim vom 11. Juni 1761Louise Friderique, Gräfin zur Lippe, gebohren d. 3ten 8ten. 1722
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