
Raimund Faltz (1658-1703)

"Raimund Faltz (1658-1703) was a medallist active in Germany. Faltz was born in Stockholm, studied under medallist Charles-Jean-François Chéron in Paris, and in 1688 moved to Berlin where he made a large number of medals and reliefs until his death." - ( 31.01.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Created Raimund Faltz (1658-1703)
Was depicted (Actor) Philip William (1669-1711) ()
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Louis XIV of France (1638-1715) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Frederick William (1620-1688) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Jesus Christ ()
Was depicted (Actor) Nils Bielke (1644-1716) ()
Commissioned / Was depicted (Actor) Frederick I of Prussia (1657-1713) ()

Template creation Raimund Faltz (1658-1703)
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Frederick I of Prussia (1657-1713) ()

Was depicted (Actor) Raimund Faltz (1658-1703)

Owned Raimund Faltz (1658-1703)
Was depicted (Actor) Jesus Christ ()
Was depicted (Actor) Louis XIV of France (1638-1715) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Frederick William (1620-1688) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Philip William (1669-1711) ()