
Frederick William (1620-1688)

"Frederick William (German: Friedrich Wilhelm; 16 February 1620 – 29 April 1688) was Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia, thus ruler of Brandenburg-Prussia, from 1640 until his death in 1688. A member of the House of Hohenzollern, he is popularly known as "the Great Elector" (der Große Kurfürst) because of his military and political achievements. Frederick William was a staunch pillar of the Calvinist faith, associated with the rising commercial class. He saw the importance of trade and promoted it vigorously. His shrewd domestic reforms gave Prussia a strong position in the post-Westphalian political order of north-central Europe, setting Prussia up for elevation from duchy to kingdom, achieved under his son and successor." - ( 12.02.2020)

What we know


father of Frederick I of Prussia [son of], Countess Louise Henriette of Nassau [mother of]

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Vivatband "1683-1914" Seemacht Deutschland, 1. WeltkriegPorträt Franz von Meinders"Preussens Herrscherhaus"Friedr. Wilhelm der GroßeSeuffzer nach dem Guldinen/ Friden/ Allen Christlichen Po=/ tentaten/ ja allen CGroß Europisch Kriegs=Balet/ getantzet durch die Könige und Potentaten/ Fürsten
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This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Was depicted (Actor) Frederick William (1620-1688)
Was depicted (Actor) Wilhelm II (1859-1941)
[Relation to person or institution] German Red Cross

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