

"The term Kulturkampf entered many languages, e.g.: French: le Kulturkampf, Spanish: el Kulturkampf, Italian: il Kulturkampf.It first appeared c. 1840 in an anonymous review of a publication by Swiss-German liberal Ludwig Snell on "The Importance of the Struggle of Liberal Catholic Switzerland with the Roman Curia". But it only gained wider currency after liberal member of the Prussian parliament, Rudolph Virchow, used it in 1873.

In contemporary socio-political discussion, the term Kulturkampf (see also culture war) is often used to describe any conflict between secular and religious authorities or deeply opposing values, beliefs between sizable factions within a nation, community, or other group." - ( 01.03.2020)

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De la Littérature Allemande; des Defauts Qu’on peut lui reprocher; quelles en sont les Causes; et par quels Moyens on peut les corriger.Über die deutsche Litteratur, die Mängel die man ihr vorwerfen kann, die Ursachen derselben und die Mittel sie zu verbessern.Sitzungsprotokoll Gemeindevertretung der Pfarrgemeinde zu Bodendorf 1890
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