

An aphorism (from Greek ἀφορισμός: aphorismos, denoting ´delimitation´, ´distinction´, and ´definition´) is a concise, terse, laconic, or memorable expression of a general truth or principle. Aphorisms are often handed down by tradition from generation to generation.

The concept is generally distinct from those of an adage, brocard, chiasmus, epigram, maxim (legal or philosophical), principle, proverb, and saying; although some of these concepts may be construed as types of aphorism.

Often, aphorisms are distinguished from other short sayings by the need for interpretation to make sense of them. In A Theory of the Aphorism, Andrew Hui defined an aphorism as "a short saying that requires interpretation".

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Arthur Schopenhauer: "Philosophische Aphorismen", 1924Operndichtung: Danae oder die Vernunftheirat; Aufzeichnung Nr. 1140, Nr. 1668, Nr. 1406, Nr. 1848, Nr. 1091; Drama: Der Schwierige; Autobiorgraphisches: Ad me ipsum; Reden u. Aufsätze: Umrisse eines neuen Journalismus, Goethes Altersgedichte, Max Reinhardt; Erzählung: Eines alten Malers schlaflose Nacht; Drama; Silvia im "Stern"Arabeske zu dem Aphorismus: AngedenkenPaulus Offredus: In librum aphorismorum Hippocratis commentaria aphoristicaEntwurf eines Kirchenfensters, Jüngstes Gericht (?)
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