

"An altarpiece is an artwork such as a painting, sculpture or relief representing a religious subject made for placing behind the altar of a Christian church. Though most commonly used for a single work of art such as a painting or sculpture, or a set of them, the word can also be used of the whole ensemble behind an altar, otherwise known as a reredos, including what is often an elaborate frame for the central image or images. Altarpieces were one of the most important products of Christian art especially from the late Middle Ages to the era of the Counter-Reformation." - ( 17.10.2019)

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HausaltarRohrdorf im AllgäuGemälde: Kopie der Mitteltafel des Diestedder oder sogenannten Corveyer KreuzigungsaltarsDie Beweinung Christ (The Lamentation of Christ)Christus am Kreuz mit den Heiligen Hieronymus, Johannes dem Täufer, Franziskus von Assisi und Paulus (Christ on the Cross with St. Jerome, John the Baptist, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Paul)Thronende Maria mit dem segnenden Kind und den Heiligen Benedikt von Nursia, Laurentius und Bernhard von Clairvaux (Mary enthroned with the blessing child and Saints Benedict of Nursia, Laurentius and Bernhard of Clairvaux)
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