
Psychiatric hospital

"Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental health hospitals or behavioral health hospitals, are hospitals or wards specializing in the treatment of severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, dissociative identity disorder, major depressive disorder and many others. Psychiatric hospitals vary widely in their size and grading. Some hospitals may specialize only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialize in the temporary or permanent confinement of patients who need routine assistance, treatment, or a specialized and controlled environment due to a psychiatric disorder. Patients often choose voluntary commitment, but those who psychiatrists believe pose significant danger to themselves or others may be subject to involuntary commitment and involuntary treatment. Psychiatric hospitals are sometimes referred to as psychiatric wards/units, psych, or wards/units when they are located as a unit within a hospital." - ( 13.11.2023)

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The Rake’s Progress (Der Weg des Liederlichen) 8. PlatteLaehr/ Lewald: Die Heil- und Pflegeanstalten für Psychisch-Kranke des deutschen Sprachgebiets 1898Dr. Albrecht Paetz: Die Kolonisirung der GeisteskrankenMonatsblatt „Die Irrenpflege", hrsg. v. Dr. Konrad AltDr. Wilhelm Falkenberg, Die Pflege GeisteskrankerHaupt-Etat für die Provinzial-Irren-Heil-Anstalt zu Siegburg für die Jahre 1874-76
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