
Alexander Maximilian Seitz (1811-1888)

"Alexander Maximilian Seitz (1811 in Munich, Germany – 1888 in Rome, Italy) was a German painter.

Seitz studied under Peter von Cornelius, and two early pictures, Joseph sold by his Brethren and the Seven Sleepers, received speedy recognition.[citation needed] Heinrich Maria Hess employed him on the frescoes in the Church of All Saints. After he had painted compositions depicting four of the sacraments, Cornelius took him to Rome. Here Seitz found in Overbeck a man of the same religious opinions, with a style which he at once sought to make his own. He aided Overbeck in carrying out the frescoes of the Evangelists and Apostles at Castel Gandolfo, and at a later date, when Overbeck´s strength was no longer equal to the task, Seitz, with the aid of his son, Ludwig Seitz, painted frescoes in the cathedral at Diakovar (Djakovo) in Croatia partly according to Overbeck´s and partly according to his own designs." - ( 29.09.2019)

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[Relation to person or institution] Alexander Maximilian Seitz (1811-1888)
[Relation to person or institution] Jupiter
[Relation to person or institution] Victoria

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