
Anna Louisa Karsch (1722-1791)

"Anna Louisa Karsch (1 December 1722 in Hammer, Silesia – 12 October 1791 in Berlin) was a German autodidact and poet from the Silesia region, known to her contemporaries as "Die Karschin" and "the German Sappho".:619 She became the first German woman to "live from the proceeds of her own literary works."" - ( 29.10.2019)

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Brief von Anna Louisa Karsch an Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim, 28.4.1761Standbild der Anna Louisa KarschPorträt Anna Louisa Karsch geb. DürbachBrief Ch. F. D. Schubarts an A. L. Karsch im Februar 1787Brief A. L. Karschs an J. W. L. Gleim vom 11. Juni 1761Brief A. L. Karschs an J.W.L. Gleim vom 23. Juni 1763
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Written Anna Louisa Karsch (1722-1791)

Was depicted (Actor) Anna Louisa Karsch (1722-1791)

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