
Prager Fenstersturz

"The Defenestrations of Prague (Czech: Pražská defenestrace, German: Prager Fenstersturz, Latin: Defenestratio Pragensis) were three incidents in the history of Bohemia in which multiple people were defenestrated (thrown out of a window). The origin of the word "defenestrate" ("out of the window") is believed to come from the episodes in Prague in 1618 when the disgruntled Protestant estates threw two royal governors out of a window of the Hradčany Castle and wrote an extensive Apologia explaining their action. In the Middle Ages and early modern times, defenestration was not uncommon--the act carried elements of lynching and mob violence in the form of murder committed together. " - (Wikipedia (en) 24.12.2020)

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Szenen aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg, Erste Hälfte 19. JahrhundertAnschauungsbild Der Prager Fenstersturz
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