
Garden city

"The garden city movement is a method of urban planning in which self-contained communities are surrounded by "greenbelts", containing proportionate areas of residences, industry, and agriculture. The idea was initiated in 1898 by Ebenezer Howard in the United Kingdom and aims to capture the primary benefits of a countryside environment and a city environment while avoiding the disadvantages presented by both. Howard was knighted in 1927. During his lifetime Letchworth, Brentham Garden Suburb and Welwyn Garden City were built in or near London according to Howard´s concept and many other garden cities inspired by his model have since been built all over the world." - ( 11.01.2022)

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Entwürfe für die Siedlung Am Brunnen, Lageplan für Platz BNegativ: Ruine, Siedlung Lindenhof, 1953Negativ: Ruine, Siedlung Lindenhof, 1950Negativ: Ruine, Siedlung Lindenhof, 1950Negativ: Ruine, Siedlung Lindenhof, 1950Negativ: Ruine, Siedlung Lindenhof, 1950
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