

"Oyster is the common name for a number of different families of salt-water bivalve molluscs that live in marine or brackish habitats. In some species, the valves are highly calcified, and many are somewhat irregular in shape. Many, but not all oysters are in the superfamily Ostreoidea.

Some types of oysters are commonly consumed (cooked or raw), and in some locales are regarded as a delicacy. Some types of pearl oysters are harvested for the pearl produced within the mantle. Windowpane oysters are harvested for their translucent shells, which are used to make various kinds of decorative objects." - ( 17.06.2022)

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[Fischen von Riesenaustern; Fishing for giant oysters][Insekten, Pflanzen und Früchte mit Maus im Zentrum; Dieren, planten en vruchten rond een muis][Muschelverkäufer; A Man Selling Shells]Die Winde Auster und Aquilo[Die Auster; L'Huître]LES CITRONS DE JAVOTTE
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