
Moral character

"Moral character or character is an evaluation of an individual´s stable moral qualities. The concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including the existence or lack of virtues such as empathy, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good behaviors or habits. Moral character primarily refers to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish one individual from another – although on a cultural level, the set of moral behaviors to which a social group adheres can be said to unite and define it culturally as distinct from others. Psychologist Lawrence Pervin defines moral character as "a disposition to express behavior in consistent patterns of functions across a range of situations". Similarly, the philosopher Marie I. George refers to moral character as the “sum of one’s moral habits and dispositions.” Aristotle has said, "we must take as a sign of states of character the pleasure or pain that ensues on acts."" - ( 24.09.2020)

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Selbstporträt Anton GraffSelbstbildnisBildnis des Christian Ludwig von HagedornPorträtköpfe der Schauspieler Sanokawa Ichimatsu III (1759-1813) und Ichikawa Tomiemon (gest. 1796)Das Lästermaul - Klosterkirche AlpirsbachHolz (2 Blätter)
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