
Migration Period

"The Migration Period was a period in the history of Europe, during and after the decline of the Western Roman Empire, during which there was widespread migration of and invasions by peoples, notably the Germanic tribes, the Huns, the early Slavs, and the Pannonian Avars within or into the Roman Empire. The period is traditionally taken to have begun in AD 375 (possibly as early as 300) and ended in 568. It is also sometimes called, from the Roman and Greek perspective, the period of Barbarian Invasions.

The Migration Period was followed by the Viking Age.

There are differences of opinion among historians as to the dates for the beginning and ending of the Migration Period. The beginning of the period is widely regarded as the invasion of Europe by the Huns from Asia in 375 and the ending with the conquest of Italy by the Lombards in 568, but a more loosely set period is from as early as 300 to as late as 800. Various factors contributed to this phenomenon of migration and invasion, and their role and significance are still in discussion among experts on the subject. For example, in 382, the first Visigoths settled as foederati within the Roman Empire, and the Franks, a Germanic tribe that would later found Francia, a predecessor of modern France and Germany, settled in the Roman Empire and were given the task of securing the provinces of Gaul. Western Roman rule was first violated with the Crossing of the Rhine[clarification needed] and the following invasions of the Vandals and Suebi. With wars ensuing between various tribes, as well as local populations in the Western Roman Empire, more and more power was transferred to Germanic and Roman militaries." - ( 22.12.2020)

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