

"A galley is a type of ship that is propelled mainly by oars. The galley is characterized by its long, slender hull, shallow draft, and low freeboard (clearance between sea and railing). Virtually all types of galleys had sails that could be used in favorable winds, but human effort was always the primary method of propulsion. This allowed galleys to navigate independently of winds and currents. The galley originated among the seafaring civilizations around the Mediterranean Sea in the late second millennium BC and remained in use in various forms until the early 19th century in warfare, trade, and piracy." - ( 12.03.2022)

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Porträt des Armand Jean Vignerot du PlessisDarstellung einer Seeschlacht[Beladen einer Galeere des Stephansordens im Hafen von Livorno; Chargement d'une galère de l'ordre de Saint Etienne; Quay of Livorno with people unloading a ship][Auslaufende Galeere im Hafen von Livorno; Le départ d' une galère; Quay of Livorno with ship leaving harbour][Mit Segeltuch abgedeckte Galeere im Hafen von Livorno; La galère dont le pont est couvert de voiles; Ship coming into port ... with sails draped over the bridge][Ansicht des Hafens von Livorno mit Blick auf die Festung; Vue d' une partie des fortifications du port; Fortifications of the port]
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