
Central Powers

"The Central Powers, also Central Empires (German: Mittelmächte; Hungarian: Központi hatalmak; Turkish: İttifak Devletleri / Bağlaşma Devletleri; Bulgarian: Централни сили, romanized: Tsentralni sili), consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria - hence also known as the Quadruple Alliance (German: Vierbund)—was one of the two main coalitions that fought World War I (1914–18).

It faced and was defeated by the Allied Powers that had formed around the Triple Entente. The Powers´ origin was the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1879. Despite having nominally joined the Triple Alliance before, Italy did not take part in World War I on the side of the Central Powers; the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria did not join until after World War I had begun, even though the Ottoman Empire had retained close relations with both Germany and Austria-Hungary since the beginning of the 20th century." - ( 26.11.2019)

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Vivatband "Vivant die Herrscher des siegreichen Verbundes", Österreich, 1. Weltkrieg 1915Feldpostkarte von Emil Gremler an seinen Vater Udo Gremler vom 5. Juni 1915 (2)Porträtfoto Soldat Otto von Kühlewein, 1914Postkarte "Seid einig, einig, einig!"Medaille auf die Verbündeten im Ersten Weltkrieg mit Daten der Kriegserklärungen, 1916Medaille auf den Ersten Weltkrieg mit Darstelllung Kaiser Wilhelms II. und des Reichsadlers, 1914
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