

The Heimatstil is an architectural style of the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth referring to the historicist tendencies which one encounters in the German-speaking countries, including Switzerland (the architecture of chalets), but also in Victorian England and even in the north and eastern parts of France, as well as Belgium and Flanders. The Heimatstil is characterized by the use of wood on the façade and sculpted beams, connected by protruding or rusticated stone, recalling the illustrations from literature and folklore, especially Germanic ones, from the time period.

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KleidDirndlkleid mit BluseSchneidemühle (Zeitzer Forst)Gruß aus der Schneidemühle im Zeitzer Forst.Zeitzer Schweiz, SchneidemühleSchneidemühle. Zeitzer Schweiz
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