
Swiss franc

The Swiss franc is the currency and legal tender of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is also legal tender in the Italian exclave of Campione d´Italia which is surrounded by Swiss territory. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) issues banknotes and the federal mint Swissmint issues coins.

In the various languages of Switzerland, it is often simply referred as German: Franken, French: franc, Italian: franco and Romansh: franc. It is also designated through currency signs Fr[note 4] (in German language), fr. (in French, Italian, Romansh languages), as well as in any other language, or internationally as CHF which stands for Confoederatio Helvetica Franc. This acronym also serves as the ISO 4217 currency code, used by banks and financial institutions.

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Schweiz: 2014Schweiz: 1982
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