

"A farm is an area of land that is devoted primarily to agricultural processes with the primary objective of producing food and other crops; it is the basic facility in food production. The name is used for specialised units such as arable farms, vegetable farms, fruit farms, dairy, pig and poultry farms, and land used for the production of natural fibres, biofuel and other commodities. It includes ranches, feedlots, orchards, plantations and estates, smallholdings and hobby farms, and includes the farmhouse and agricultural buildings as well as the land. In modern times the term has been extended so as to include such industrial operations as wind farms and fish farms, both of which can operate on land or sea." - ( 08.09.2020)

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Plakat/Aufruf "Landwirte! Bauern! ...", 1. WeltkriegPlakat/ Kriegsanleihe "Deutschlands bisherige Entwicklung...", 1. Weltkrieg 1914-1918Landschaft mit Gehöften (Pendant zu HMP_1988_0143)Bauerngehöft im HarzNorwegischer Hof - Hofporträt IBauernkate - Hofporträt II, 1953
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