
Lyric poetry

"Lyric poetry is a formal type of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person. The term derives from a form of Ancient Greek literature, the lyric, which was defined by its musical accompaniment, usually on a stringed instrument known as a lyre. The term owes its importance in literary theory to the division developed by Aristotle between three broad categories of poetry: lyrical, dramatic, and epic." - ( 15.05.2020)

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Diarium Victor BlüthgenFestgedicht von Robert Nitzsche - "den Veteranen der Völkerschlacht zur fünfzigjährigen Gedächtnisfeier"Die Freie Welt / (1919), Heft 1Ortlepp’s Abschied von der WeltKlopstocks Handschrift der von ihm geschaffenen Ode "Die Verwandlung", im September 1793Klopstocks Handschrift der von ihm geschaffenen Ode "Die Sieger, und die Besiegten", September 1800
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