

Levente Associations (Hungarian: Leventeszervezetek) or simply levente were paramilitary youth organizations in Hungary during the interwar period and the Second World War. They were established in 1921 with the declared purpose of physical and health training. As of the mid-1930s, they became a de facto method of circumventing the ban on conscription imposed on Hungary by the Treaty of Trianon and over time, openly became a paramilitary organization under the leadership of military veterans. As of 1939, under the Act of Defense, all boys aged 12–21 were required to join the levente.

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Fejlődési Törzslap Nagy JózsefrőlLazsán József fejlődési törzslapjaLevente fúvószenekar tagjai 1932-benÚjságcímlapon trombitáló leventeAcélgyári leventék foglalkozása a SSE-pályán.Levente díszszakasz Novák Gergely leventeoktató vezénylete alatt a salgótarjáni Főtéren
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