

Iconodulism (also iconoduly or iconodulia) designates the religious service to icons (kissing and honourable veneration, incense, and candlelight). The term comes from Neoclassical Greek εἰκονόδουλος (eikonodoulos) (from Greek: εἰκόνα – icon (image) + Greek: δοῦλος – servant), meaning "one who serves images (icons)". It is also referred to as iconophilism (also iconophily or iconophilia from Greek: εἰκόνα – icon (image) + Greek: φιλέω – love) designating a positive attitude towards the religious use of icons. In the history of Christianity, iconodulism (or iconophilism) was manifested as a moderate position, between two extremes: Iconoclasm (radical opposition to the use of icons) and iconolatry (idolatric veritable (full) adoration of icons).

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