

"An aunt is a person who is the sister of a parent. Aunts are second-degree and share 25% genetic overlap when they are the full sister of one of the biological parents. Known alternate terms include Auntie or Aunty. A half-aunt is a half-sister of a parent and is a third-degree relative with 12.5% genetic overlap. An aunt-in-law is a wife of one´s uncle, direct genetic overlap will typically be 0%, as this person entered the family through marriage and typically is not a blood relative. An aunt-in-law can also be an aunt of one´s spouse. A co-aunt-in-law is a wife of one´s uncle of one´s spouse. A double-half-aunt is a daughter of a paternal grandmother with maternal grandfather, in other words, maternal half-sister of one´s father and paternal half-sister of one´s mother at the same time. A double-half-aunt also is a daughter of a maternal grandmother with paternal grandfather, in other words, paternal half-sister of one´s father and maternal half-sister of one´s mother at the same time." - ( 18.12.2019)

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Familie Fohleutner, Hofmannsthals Großeltern mütterlicherseits mit ihren KindernFamilienportrait einer unbekannten Familie, eventuell eine Tante Fohleutner aus Hofmannsthals Familie mütterlicherseitsPortrait von Laura Periz, geb. Fohleutner, Hofmannsthals Tante mütterlicherseitsFamilie Fohleutner, Hofmannsthals Großeltern mütterlicherseits mit ihren KindernAgneta Campagne (vor 1889)Portrait von Dr. Julius Victor Baum und Hermine Baum, geb. Kuffner, der Tante von Gerty von Hofmannsthal
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