
Labor law

"Labour laws (also spelled as labor laws), labour code or employment laws are those that mediate the relationship between workers, employing entities, trade unions, and the government. Collective labour law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer, and union.

Individual labour law concerns employees' rights at work also through the contract for work. Employment standards are social norms (in some cases also technical standards) for the minimum socially acceptable conditions under which employees or contractors are allowed to work. Government agencies (such as the former US Employment Standards Administration) enforce labour law (legislature, regulatory, or judicial)." - ( 12.10.2023)

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§ 87 "Mitbestimmungsrechte" des Betriebsverfassungsgesetz / LeistungslohnsystemÜbersicht zur Rechtsprechung bzgl. "§ 87 Mitbestimmungsrecht" des Betriebverfassungsgesetz"Beschluß der Delegierten der Bergleute von Rheinland und Westfalen am 24. Mai cr. im Schützenhofe zu Bochum""Arbeits-Ordnung""Bergarbeiter des Ruhrgebiets! Auf zur Berggewerbegerichtswahl!""Zweite Anordnung zur Sicherung der Ordnung in den Betrieben"
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