

A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expressions are predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. For this reason, in photography a portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. A portrait often shows a person looking directly at the painter or photographer, in order to most successfully engage the subject with the viewer.

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Porträt von Johann Hugo WyttenbachMaria Elisabeth Wetzel von Marsilien (1687 -?) (Pendant zu HM_1964_0033)Caroline Maria Felicitas Freifrau von Kamecke, geb. Wetzel von Marsilien (1723-1810)Bildnis einer älteren Dame aus der pfälzischen Familie DacquéBrustbild eines nach rechts blickenden blonden KnabenFranz Christoph Reichsfreiherr von Hutten zum Stolzenberg (1706 - 1770), Bischof zu Speyer
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