

A telecommand or telecontrol is a command sent to control a remote system or systems not directly connected (e.g. via wires) to the place from which the telecommand is sent. The word is derived from tele = remote (Greek), and command = to entrust/order (Latin). Systems that need remote measurement and reporting of information of interest to the system designer or operator require the counterpart of telecommand, telemetry. The telecommand can be done in real time or not depending on the circumstances (in space, delay may be of days), as was the case of Marsokhod.

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Bewag-Fernsteuerung Schrank geöffnet Teilansicht 1; Foto 1953Bewag-Fernsteuerung Schrank Rückseite; Foto 1953Bewag-Fernsteuerung Schrank geöffnet; Foto 1953Bewag-Fernsteuerung Schrank geöffnet Teilansicht Schaltfeld; Foto 1953Bewag-Fernsteuerung Schrank Teilansicht 2; Foto 1953Bewag-Fernsteuerung Teilansicht 3; Foto 1953
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