
Emergency evacuation

"Emergency evacuation is the urgent immediate egress or escape of people away from an area that contains an imminent threat, an ongoing threat or a hazard to lives or property.

Examples range from the small-scale evacuation of a building due to a storm or fire to the large-scale evacuation of a city because of a flood, bombardment or approaching weather system, especially a Tropical Cyclone. In situations involving hazardous materials or possible contamination, evacuees may be decontaminated prior to being transported out of the contaminated area." - ( 04.12.2020)

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Koffer FluchtgepäckMännerumsiedlerlager in PabioniceFotografie: Bauern evakuieren Vieh, Gebiet Smolensk, Juli 1941Handwagen von deutschen Flüchtlingen, Ort unbekanntFlugblatt "Berliner! Berlinerinnen!" mit Aufruf zur Evakuierung, Deutsches Reich, um 1943-1944Handgefertigte Kette aus Metalldraht mit angebrachten Kreuz, Deutsches Reich, 1941-1945
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