
Kantilan jongkok

Saron/Gangsa Jongkok - Bali. Saron Jongkok are paired saron de-tuned in the standard Balinese pengisep/pengumbang relationship. They are most often played with a horn shaped mallet, like gangsa. Jongkok are often combined with Jongkok Kantilan one octave higher. They are used most extensively in the archaic and classic ensembles such as Gong Gede and Semar Pegulingan. -, 18.12.2018

"Kantil: The two pair of kantil share their lower octave with the pemade. They are, thus, above the ugal which carries the melodic line (pokok) and is the melodic leader; this instrument requires only very short resonating bamboo tubes so is played without a chair or bench. There are usually 10 keys (2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and i) so the instrument spans two octaves. The instruments can play the pokok or kotekan (interlocking patterns between the members of the pair) parts based on the pokok." -, 19.12.2018

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