

In Nazi German terminology, Volksdeutsche (German pronunciation: [ˈfɔlksˌdɔʏtʃə]) were "people whose language and culture had German origins but who did not hold German citizenship". The term is the nominalised plural of volksdeutsch, with Volksdeutsche denoting a singular female, and Volksdeutsche(r), a singular male. The words Volk and völkisch conveyed the meanings of "folk".

The Volksdeutsche shed their identity as Auslandsdeutsche (Germans abroad), and morphed into the Volksdeutsche in a process of self-radicalisation. This process gave the Nazi regime the nucleus around which the new Volksgemeinschaft was established across the German borders.

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Flüchtlingslager in Tetschen-BodenbachUmsiedlerlager für 'Volksdeutsche' in Tetschen-Bodenbach/SudetenlandUmsiederlager für 'Volksdeutsche' in Tetschen-Bodenbach/SudetenlandDas Betreuungspersonal des UmsiedlungslagersPauline P. im Umsiedlungslagerlager Limbach/SachsenFlüchtlingstreck aus Bessarabien/Hoffnungstal und Odessa
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