
Lesser Whitethroat

The lesser whitethroat (Curruca curruca) is a common and widespread typical warbler which breeds in temperate Europe, except the southwest, and in the western and central Palearctic. This small passerine bird is strongly migratory, wintering in Africa just south of the Sahara, Arabia and India.

Unlike many typical warblers, the sexes are almost identical. This is a small species with a grey back, whitish underparts, a grey head with a darker "bandit mask" through the eyes and a white throat. It is slightly smaller than the common whitethroat, and lacks the chestnut wings and uniform head-face color of that species. The lesser whitethroat´s song is a fast and rattling sequence of tet or che calls, quite different from the common whitethroat´s scolding song.

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Gelege der Klappergrasmücke (Sylvia curruca)
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