
Patient transport

Patient transport is a service that transfers patients to and from medical facilities in non-emergency situations.

In emergency situations, patients are transported by the emergency medical services. Non-emergency patient transport is sometimes run by the same agency. It is typically provided to a patient who needs to be transferred to a facility that can provide a higher or more specialised level of care though emergency services may be summoned if this is urgent. It may also be used to transfer patients from a specialised facility to a local hospital or nursing home when they no longer require this specialised care, such as following successful cardiac catheterisation due to a heart attack. Some countries also offer the service to patients who cannot make their own way to or from the hospital.

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[St. Roch distribuant son bien aux pauvres; St. Roch Distributing Alms; Der Heilige Rochus verteilt Almosen]Krankenfahrstuhl/RollstuhlKrankenwagen und Hubschrauber, 1963. SW-Foto © Kurt Schwarz.Dräger-Transport-InkubatorZimmerrollstuhl EigenbauInvalidenfahrstuhl mit manuellem Antrieb
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