

"The duit was a copper Dutch coin worth 2 penning, with 8 duit pieces equal to one stuiver and 160 duit pieces equal to one gulden. In Dutch Indonesia 4 duit pieces were equal to one stuiver. To prevent smuggling, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) ordered special coins with their monogram embossed upon them. Only those pieces were valid in Indonesia. It was once used in the Americas while under Dutch rule.

The name of the coin was preserved for a long time in the ´fourduitcoin´ (or plak), because it was worth 4 duiten = half a stuiver (or 2.5 cents).

In the Dutch language, there are many expressions, proverbs and sayings which feature the word ´duit´." - ( 29.09.2020)

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Utrecht: StadtPreußen: Friedrich II.Preußen: Friedrich II.Preußen: Friedrich II.Preußen: Friedrich II.Preußen: Friedrich II.
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