

A sloper pattern (home sewing) or block pattern (industrial production) is a custom-fitted, basic pattern from which patterns for many different styles can be developed. The process of changing the size of a finished pattern is called grading.

Several companies, like Butterick and Simplicity, specialize in selling pre-graded patterns directly to consumers who will sew the patterns at home. These patterns are usually printed on tissue paper and include multiple sizes that overlap each other. An illustrated instruction sheet for use and assembly of the item is usually included. The pattern may include multiple style options in one package.

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Umschlag mit Schnittmuster,ca. 1930-1940Umschlag mit Schittmuster "Pfiffikus", 1930-1940Geometrischer Dekor mit Blütenschmuck, "Schnittmuster, Vierpass, Blüte"; unbegrenztes FlächenornamentSchnittmuster für ein langärmliges Hemd mit Stehkragen, 1901Schnittmuster für ein Puppenkleid, 1901Schnittmusterbuch für Lenchen Kleeberger Januar 1904
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