
Multiple dwellings

"Multifamily residential (also known as multidwelling unit or MDU) is a classification of housing where multiple separate housing units for residential inhabitants are contained within one building or several buildings within one complex. Units can be next to each other (side-by-side units), or stacked on top of each other (top and bottom units). A common form is an apartment building. Many intentional communities incorporate multifamily residences, such as in cohousing projects. Sometimes units in a multifamily residential building are condominiums, where typically the units are owned individually rather than leased from a single apartment building owner." - ( 04.10.2021)

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Wirtschaftsgebäude für die neu einzurichtenden Familienwohnungen im Schlafhaus zu Klostermansfeld.Wohnhaus für 30 Familien in Kloster-Mansfeld.Beamten-Wohnhaus Nr. 4 für fünf Familien in Burgörner-Altdorf Wiesenstr. 1Grundriss des Dachgeschosses vom Stallgebäude für das 24 Familienhaus zu Klostermansfeld. Eintheilung der Futterböden.Einrichtung von 2 Arbeiterwohnungen im südlichen Scheunengebäude des vormals Weitzelschen Rittergutes in Klostermansfeld.Wohnhausgruppe Silbergrund a/Saigerhütte, betr. Neubau einer Abortanlage für das 7 Familien-Wohnhaus.
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