

A kolk (colc) is an underwater vortex created when rapidly rushing water passes an underwater obstacle in boundary areas of high shear. High-velocity gradients produce a violently rotating column of water, similar to a tornado. Kolks can pluck multiple-ton blocks of rock and transport them in suspension for thousands of metres.

Kolks leave clear evidence in the form of plucked-bedrock pits, called rock-cut basins or kolk lakes and downstream deposits of gravel-supported blocks that show percussion but no rounding.

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Postkarte Kolk mit historischer SchänkeFoto Berlin Spandau am KolkAnsichtskarte: Berlin-Spandau, Am KolkPostkarte Berlin Spandau Kolk An der Neuen BrückeLageplan von den im westl: Ufer des Bindersees an der Einmündung des Abflußgrabens aus dem süßen See entstandenen Kolks.Die Wasserfrau aus dem Kolk
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