
Young adult literature

"Young adult fiction (YA) is a category of fiction written for readers from 12 to 18 years of age. While the genre is targeted to adolescents, approximately half of YA readers are adults.

The subject matter and genres of YA correlate with the age and experience of the protagonist. The genres available in YA are expansive and include most of those found in adult fiction. Common themes related to YA include friendship, first love, relationships, and identity. Stories that focus on the specific challenges of youth are sometimes referred to as problem novels or coming-of-age novels." - ( 04.11.2021)

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Joseph Lauff: "Der Tucher von Köln"Nieritz, Die Pflegetochter und andere ErzählungenSchlumpsiJugendbuch: Clara Hepner: "Mariannes Abenteuer mit dem Küchenvölkchen" (o.J.)Buch: Marie Cauer: "Nicht für mich - für dich" (1925)Mädchenbuch: Eva Hartner: "Als Stütze der Hausfrau" (1890)
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