

A wake is a social gathering associated with death, held before a funeral. Traditionally, a wake involves family and friends keeping watch over the body of the dead person, usually in the home of the deceased. Some wakes are held at a funeral home or another convenient location. The wake or the viewing of the body is a part of death rituals in many cultures. It allows one last interaction with the dead, providing a time for the living to express their thoughts and feelings with the deceased. It highlights the idea that the loss is borne by the whole community and is a way of honoring the deceased member. The emotional tone of a wake is sometimes seen as more positive than a funeral due to the socially supportive atmosphere and the focus on the life rather than the death of the deceased.

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Der Weg der Buhlerin 6. PlatteZwei Offiziere der Garde-du-Corps halten vor dem Sarge des Generals von Goltz die Totenwache. aus: Illustrationen zu den Werken Friedrichs des GroßenTotenkroneCum divina gloria in manu Dei sanctam tradidit animam[Tod von Monica, der Mutter Augustinus'][Aufbahrung von Philipp Wilhelm, Prinz von Oranien, Graf von Nassau; Bed of state of Prince Philip William of Orange; Lit de parade de Philippe Guillaume, prince d'Orange, mort le 21 fév. 1618]
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