

"Slaughterhouses that produce meat that is not intended to be eaten by humans are sometimes referred to as knacker´s yards or knackeries. This is where animals are slaughtered that are not fit for human consumption or that can no longer work on a farm, such as retired work horses.

Slaughtering animals on a large scale poses significant problems in terms of logistics, animal welfare, and the environment, and the process must meet public health requirements. Due to public aversion in many cultures, determining where to build slaughterhouses is also a matter of some consideration.

Frequently, animal rights groups raise concerns about the methods of transport to and from slaughterhouses, preparation prior to slaughter, animal herding, and the killing itself." - ( 02.03.2020)

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Fleischerhakenleiste "W. George"Postkarte Berlin Spandau SchlachthofTrichinoskop im HolzkastenLebensmittelkarte: Teilselbstversorger in Fleisch und Schlachtfetten für Erwachsene über 18 Jahren, August/September 1945Általános Fogyasztási Szövetkezet 59. sz. mészárszékeÁltalános Fogyasztási Szövetkezet fiókja
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