
Telephone directory

A telephone directory, commonly called a telephone book, telephone address book, phonebook, or the white and yellow pages, is a listing of telephone subscribers in a geographical area or subscribers to services provided by the organization that publishes the directory. Its purpose is to allow the telephone number of a subscriber identified by name and address to be found.

The advent of the Internet, search engines, and smartphones in the 21st century greatly reduced the need for a paper phone book. Some communities, such as Seattle and San Francisco, sought to ban their unsolicited distribution as wasteful, unwanted and harmful to the environment.

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Vorläufiges Hausrufverzeichnis JFMBrief mit Postkarte an Fernsprechamt West, Else Tucholsky, Charlottenburg 1928Internes Telefonverzeichnis WF 1958Internes Telefonverzeichnis WF 1973Internes Telefonverzeichnis WF 1963Begleitschreiben zum neuen Telefonverzeichnis 1979
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