

"Remigration, or re-immigration, is a political concept of the forced return or promoted return of non-white (or not ethnically European) immigrants, often including their descendants, back to their supposed place of racial origin regardless of citizenship status, in what amounts to a type of ethnic cleansing. Some proponents of remigration suggest leaving some residents with non-European background aside from the forced return, based on a vaguely defined degree of assimilation or integration into European culture.

Advocates of remigration promote the concept in pursuit of "ethno-cultural" homogeneity in order to disguise the extreme nature of their calls for the forced deportation of non-whites. According to Deutsche Welle, ethnopluralism, the Nouvelle Droite concept that different ethnicities require their own segregated living spaces, creates a manufactured need for remigration of people with "foreign roots"." - ( 20.03.2020)

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