

The functions exercised by a president vary according to the form of government. In parliamentary republics, they are usually, but not always, limited to those of the head of state and are thus largely ceremonial. In presidential, selected parliamentary (e.g. Botswana and South Africa), and semi-presidential republics, the role of the president is more prominent, encompassing also (in most cases) the functions of the head of government. In authoritarian regimes, a dictator or leader of a one-party state may also be called a president.

President Isaias Afwerki of the State of Eritrea giving a press briefing in the capital Asmara, 2002The titles "Mr. President" and Madam President may apply to a person holding the title of president or presiding over certain other governmental bodies. "Mr. President" has subsequently been used by governments to refer to their heads of state. It is the conventional translation of non-English titles such as Monsieur le Président for the president of the French Republic. It also has a long history of usage as the title of the presiding officers of legislative and judicial bodies. The speaker of the House of Commons of Canada is addressed as président de la Chambre des communes in French and as Mr. Speaker in English.

What we know


profession Sukarno Indonesia 1945-1967, 1949-1965

office held

office held Megawati Sukarnoputri Indonesia 2001-2004

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Fotografie: Bundeskanzler Kohl und Präsident Jelzin bei der Verabschiedung der Westgruppe der Truppen (WGT) im Treptower Park, Berlin, 31. August 1994Fotografie: Besuch des Präsidenten der russischen Staatsduma der Berlin-Brigade, Sommer 1994Fotografie: Besuch des Duma-Präsidenten bei der Berlin-Brigade, Sommer 1994Fotografie: Besuch des Duma-Präsidenten bei der Berlin-Brigade, Sommer 1994Fotografie: Präsentation des Standes der Abzugsaktivitäten während des Besuchs des Duma-Präsidenten, Berlin-Karlshorst, Sommer 1994Fotografie: Präsentation des Standes der Abzugsaktivitäten während d es Besuchs des Duma-Präsidenten, Berlin-Karlshorst, Sommer 1994
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