
Gem cutting

A gemstone desired to be used in jewelry is cut depending on the size and shape of the rough stone, as well as the desired piece of jewelry to be made. As a general rule, a cut gemstone will reduce the mass (in carats) by about 50%.

Among the several techniques used to work with gemstones are sawing, grinding, sanding, lapping, polishing, grilling, and tumbling. The diamond cut planning stage is a complex process that requires the cutter to work with unique rough stones. Very often, the location of the inclusions in a rough stone will determine the type of shape to which a diamond may be cut. For economic reasons, most diamonds are cut to retain weight instead of maximizing brilliance.

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Synthetischer Edelstein - PadparadschaSynthetischer Edelstein - Turmalinfarbiger SpinellSynthetischer Edelstein - Amethystfarbiger KorundSynthetischer Edelstein - Amethystfarbiger SpinellSynthetischer Edelstein - Aquamarinfarbiger SpinellSynthetischer Edelstein - Farbloser Saphir
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