
Military officer

"An officer is a member of an armed forces or uniformed service who holds a position of authority.

In its broadest sense, the term "officer" refers to commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and warrant officers. However, when used without further detail, the term almost always refers to only commissioned officers, the more senior portion of a force who derive their authority from a commission from the head of state." - ( 12.11.2019)

What we know

office held

office held Max von Bahrfeldt

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Infanterie-OffiziershelmRingkragen für Offiziere mit sächsich-polnisch/litauischen Doppelwappen, SachsenHelm für Landwehroffiziere (Pickelhaube), Sachsen, Ende 19. JahrhundertKapitän Ziegenbein und zwei Offiziere nehmen das Besteck auf. Im Mantel Prof. BreuhausUnterstand bei Château-SalinsBerittener Offizier
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