

"Vsesvit (Ukrainian: Всесвіт, Vsesvit) is a Ukrainian periodical that publishes exclusive translations of world classics and contemporary works of literature, covers different aspects of cultural, artistic, social, and political life in all parts of the world. The Ukrainian word Vsesvit translates as the Universe.

Vsesvit monthly is the oldest and the most recognized Ukrainian literary journal. It was founded in 1925 by the prominent Ukrainian writers - Vasyl Ellan-Blakytnyi, Mykola Khvyliovyi and Alexander Dovzhenko. More than 500 novels, 1,000 poems, short stories, and plays as well as hundreds of essays, reviews, interviews with prominent writers from more than a hundred countries were translated from more than 84 different languages and published in Vsesvit during its existence." - ( 19.03.2024)

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книга: Скульський М. Фундаментальні дослідження сучасної астрономії, 1976книга: Цесевич В. Маяки Вселенной, 1968книга: Амбарцумян В. Загадки Вселенной, 1987книга: Редже Т. Этюды о Вселенной, 1985книга: Хойл Ф. Галактики, ядра и квазары, 1968книга: Горбацкий В. Космические взрывы, 1979
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