
Nebra sky disk

"The Nebra sky disk is a bronze disk of around 30 centimeters (11 3⁄4 in) diameter and a weight of 2.2 kilograms (4.9 lb), having a blue-green patina and inlaid with gold symbols. These symbols are interpreted generally as the Sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, and stars (including a cluster of seven interpreted as the Pleiades). Two golden arcs along the sides, interpreted to mark the angle between the solstices, were added later. A final addition was another arc at the bottom surrounded with multiple strokes (of uncertain meaning, variously interpreted as a Solar Barge with numerous oars, the Milky Way, or a rainbow)." - ( 08.05.2020)

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Hortfund mit Himmelsscheibe von NebraCrew Patch der ESA-Mission "Cosmic Kiss" zur Internationalen Raumstation (ISS)
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