
War diary

A war diary is a regularly updated official record kept by military units of their activities during wartime. The purpose of these diaries is to both record information which can later be used by the military to improve its training and tactics as well as to generate a detailed record of units´ activities for future use by historians. War diaries are focused on the administration and operations of the unit they cover, but may also contain information about individual personnel.

War diaries (German: Kriegstagebuch, plural Kriegstagebücher) were invented by the Prussian Army. On 22 April 1850, the Prussian Minister of War, August von Stockhausen, ordered that all commanders of major units should keep war diaries. All significant military actions, relocations, important messages and orders, casualties, material losses, reinforcements etc. were to be recorded. Subsequent regulations of 1870 in Prussia, of 1895 and 1916 in the German Empire, and of 1940 in Nazi Germany were largely identical to the Prussian 1850 regulations.

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Jacobsohn: "Die ersten Tage", o.J.Ernst Jünger: "In Stahlgewittern", 1926Koffer mit KriegstagebüchernKriegstagebücher von Inge L.Kriegstagebuch des Leutnants Wilhelm Staemmler 1813/1814Kriegstagebuch von Otto Schmidt
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